Moonlight and me

Hi, My name is Hayley. I'm a 30 year old mummy to two gorgeous girls and wife to my biggest supporter and best friend!

Moonlight started like all businesses do, with just an idea of creating something I love and turning it into a dream come true!

I've alway's loved being creative and thought about how great it would be to share my passion of candles and all things cosy with likeminded people who could enjoy something I have created and help to bring some comfort and joy from my home to yours!

Besides candles, I've also always had a great love of the outdoors! Going on country walks with my grandparents was something I treasured as a child and has continued to be something I love to do with my own little family now! And so I thought why not combine the two and base my candles and wax melts around all things nature, and of course help the environment along the way by using natural soy wax and botanicals for decoration!

And so, after testing out my creations with all of my family and friends, I finally started my social media page on Instagram to start building up a community of followers and friends and I was amazed at how quickly Moonlight grew and the love and support I received!

Since then, Moonlight has continued to grow and you all have helped me greatly to build my confidence in what I create and have shown that all of my efforts have been worthwhile and you really have made my dream come true!

I am truly so grateful for every single order I receive. It brings me so much joy to see my candles and wax melts in your homes. It honestly means the world!

 I really do love what I do and I hope that you will continue to follow me on my journey for many years to come!